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Class11th NCERT Biology Chapter-3 Plant Kingdom MCQ for NEET examination 2022 important mcq on Plant kingdom

Important MCQ on Plant kingdom                         

Kingdom plantae includes all eukaryotic chlorophyll-containing organisms commonly called plants. A few members are partially heterotrophic such as the insectivorous plants or parasites. The plant kingdom is divided into five major groups such as

1- Algae

2- Bryophytes

3- Pteridophytes

4- Gymnosperms

5- Angiosperms 

Some Important MCQ on plant kingdom given bellow which is help you to analyse your understanding about this topic and it also help you to crack NEET exam.

 MCQ on Plant Kingdom

1. A system of classification in which a large number of traits along with evolutionary relationships are considered, is

A. Natural system

B. Phylogenetic system

C. Artificial system

D. synthetic system

2. How many of algae given below show oogamy ?

[Spirogyra, Volvox, Fucus, Polysiphonia]  

A. Four

B Two

C. Three

D. One 

3. Match the following columns and select the correct option

Column I                                        Column II

1. Chlorophyceae                       i. Floridean starch

2. Phaeophyceae                        ii. Starch

3. Rhodophyceae                       iii. Laminarin

A. 1-ii, 2-iii, 3-i

B. 1-iii, 2-i, 3-ii

C. 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iii

D. 1-i, 2-iii, 3-ii

4. Algae with floridean starch as reserve food material is also characterised by presence of 

A. Chlorophyll b

B. Stacked thylakoid

C. Nonsulphated phycocolloids

D. Non flagellated stage in life cycle

5. An edible red algae is 

A. Fucus 

B. Sargassum

C. Laminaria

D. Porphyra

6. Mark the incorrect statement with respect to bryophytes

A. Gametophyte is dominant generation

B. Sporophyte is always haploid and dependent on gametophyte

C. Gametophyte provide nutrition to saprophyte

D. Water and minerals are absorbed by the gametophytic plant

7. Bryophytes are similar to pteridophytes in

A. Having dominant Sporophytic phase

B. Having multicelled parasitic gametophyte

C. The production of two kinds of spores

D. Having independent multi-celled gametophyte

8. Read the following statements :

i. Rhizoids are multicellular in liverworts

ii. The thallus is dorsiventral

iii. Embryo formation takes place after zygote formation.

iv. Gametophyte plant body possess rhizoids

Select the correct statements for the liver worts 

A. One

B. Two

C. Three

D. Four

9. Heterosporous pteridophytes always produce

A. Dioecious sporophytes

B. Dioecious gametophytes

C. Homothallic, exosporic gametophytes

D. Monoecious gametophytes

10. In pteridophytes, reduction division occurs when 

A. Prothallus is formed

B. Sex organs are formed

C. Spores are formed

D. Gametes are formed


1-A,    2-C,    3-A,    4-D,    5-D,    6-B,    7-D,    8-C,    9- B,    10-C 

Best Book for Practice MCQ 

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