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Class 11th biology chapter-2 biological classification mcq for neet

Biological classification NEET Practice Test

Biological classification means classify the organism or species in accordance with their shared characteristics. Every living organism in our world are divided into five kingdoms these are Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia. Each kingdoms are more sub-divisions.

MCQ question on Biological Classification

Regular practice of MCQ helps you to crack Exam like NEET, AIIMS. Following are some important MCQ are given which is help you to clear Entrance Exam

1. choose the odd one with respect to RNA virus


B. Cauliflower mosaic virus

C. Influenza virus

D. Reo Virus

2. In the five kingdom classification, Chlamydomonas and Euglena have been placed in

A. Protista

B. Algae

C. Plantae

D. Monera

3. Coenocytic mycelium occurs in members of

A. Ascomycetes

B. Oomycetes and Basidiomycetes

C. Phycomycetes

D. Deuteromycetes and zygomycetes

4. Azotobacter and Beijerinckia are the examples of 

A. Pathogenic bacteria

B. Decomposers

C. Symbiotic N2 fixer

D. Non-Symbiotic N2 fixer

5. A few organisms are known to grow and multiply at temperature as high as 80* C and pH as low as 2. They are 

A. Halophiles

B. Thermoacidophiles

C. Methanogens

D. Hot spring blue green algae

6. Cyanobacteria or blue green algae can adaptively change their body colour according to different wavelengths of available light. This is called

A. Gaidukov's Phenomenon

B. Complementary chromatic adaption

C. Both A and B are correct

D. Chromatography

7.Select the odd one out with respect to the Kingdom Monera 

A. Amoeba

B. Escherichia

C. Clostridium

D. Klebsiella

8. Kingdom Protista contains

A. Chlamydomonas

B. Chlorella

C. Amoeba

D. More than one option is correct

9. Read the following statements

1. The site of respiration in bacteria is mesosome

2. The DNA of Escherichia coli is double stranded and linear

3. Photosynthetic bacteria have pigmments in chromatophore

4. Archaebacteria are oldest living beings

How many of the above statements are correct ?

A. Three

B. Four

C. Two

D. One

10. Match the columns and select the correct option

      Column I                                                          Column II

i. Cyanobacteria                                           1. Bacillus licheniformis

ii. Antibiotics production                             2. Red sea

iii. Petroleum pollution                                3. Clostridium tetani

iv. Tetanus                                                    4. Pseudomanas putida

A. i-(2), ii-(3), iii-(4), iv-(1)

B. i-(2), ii-(1), iii-(4), iv-(3)

C. i-(3), ii-(1), iii-(4), iv-(2)

D. i-(2), ii-(4), iii-(3), iv-(1)


1-B    2-A    3-C    4-D    5-B    6-C    7-A    8-D    9-A    10-B

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